Friday, September 14, 2012

Top 5 Secrets to Eating Healthy as a Stay-at-Home Mom ? Fit ...

Fit mom featured blog from Madeline. She?blogs at Food, Fitness, and Family where she shares her love of yummy eats, sweaty workouts, and life as a family of three.? She LOVES connecting with others and you can find her on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Being a stay-at-home mom is full of everyday challenges.? The fact of the matter is that you are ?on the clock? 24/7, 365.? As a new(ish) mom to an eleven-month-old daughter, I learned VERY fast that I had to take some steps to ensure that I was eating a healthy and balanced diet.? You see, kids have this funny habit of waking up, or needing something, the second their mom sits down to eat. Here are some of my tips for eating healthy as a stay-at-home mom!

1.? Have a Plan

I mentioned this already but planning ahead is the single most important step towards eating healthy as a stay-at-home mom.? On Sunday afternoons I sit down with my computer, recipe book, and calendar and plan my family?s meals for the week.? I write them out on a meal planning printable and post it on our refrigerator.? This way I always know what I am making each day.? While meal planning dinners, I also jot down breakfast and lunch ideas so that I don?t have to think about them during the day.

2.? Prep The Food

Whatever day I go grocery shopping I make sure that I set aside an hour when I get home (this normally coincides with nap time) to prep our food.? I do whatever I possibly can to make meal assembly and snack time easier.? I wash and cut fruits and vegetables, portion out of proteins, and organize the fridge so that snacks are at eye-level.

3.? Think About Your Snacks

For as much effort as I put into making our meal plan, I put almost as much effort into planning my snacks.? Some of my favorites include:

  • Humus with veggies or pretzels
  • Fresh fruit
  • Greek yogurt
  • Smoothies
  • Lara bars

?4.? Don?t Buy Junk

?Chris and I both get one ?treat? for the most part that we buy each week.? Other than that I try not to bring the junk into our house.? We benefit from an ?out of sight, out of mind? mentality on this one.? If I don?t have a bag of Doritos to chow down on then I simply won?t.

5.? Track Your Eats

When I was a new mom I couldn?t remember half the things I did that day by the time dinner rolled around.? Keeping a running journal of my eats helped me make sure that my diet was balanced.? I breastfed (and still do) and therefore my caloric needs were much different post-pregnancy than they were pre-pregnancy and I wasn?t eating enough.? Tracking my eats helped me realize that and I upped my caloric intake and felt GREAT.

There you have it!? Some simple tips that have helped me eat healthy as a stay-at-home mom.? I will say these tips are husband-approved for my working man too ;)

How do you ensure that you?re eating healthy?? What?s your favorite tip that works for you?

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