Monday, November 19, 2012

How To Do Online Marketing At A Fraction Of The High Cost That ...

Has your website become a money pit? Fed up with your webmaster's lousy service? Tired of paying inflated prices to maintain your website? Feeling fleeced by internet marketing companies who charge high fees & give you low results?

Here's how I solved this problem in two simple steps.

Step #1: I uncovered a little known source for webmasters who are skilled and work at bargain pricers.

Step # 2: I searched for, & discovered the same & even better, SEO techniques, than internet marketers use.

Step #1 begins with visiting, the friend of all small business owners! I stumbled upon this great little international website, that just may be the cure for all,if not most, of your internet business/problems.

The keyword here is "international". At "" you get competitive bids from experts,from all over the world, for all kinds of professional business services you may need.

I needed an order form created for one of my websites that specialized in radio jingles. My "old" webmaster wanted $500-$750 to do this project. I got one very attractive, too-good-to-be-true, firm quote, from a webmaster in India, for a fraction of my"old"webmaster's cost.

I know. You hear the word "India", & automatically you think, "Oh oh,this is the call centre for my Dell computer,where I spent 8 hours last year on the phone, trying to explain my problem".

Red flags immediately jump up everywhere! Should I follow up on this quote? What about all the, "what if's"?

This Indian webmaster seemed to have a good command of written English. He seemed eager & sincere. Why not take a chance, I thought?

The results?

Well my friends,I'm about to award them a 5'th project very soon. There is one caveat that I must share, & I have done this with ALL webmasters I have ever worked with. To ensure clear communication as to exactly, what I want done, I always send graphic illustrations of everything I want done.

Hurray! At last, the wicked witch is dead.

I've saved my bank account from ever being held up by a webmaster ever again.

Looking Deeper

I visited India's Ministry of Science & Technology, & discovered that India has come a long way since her independence from the British in 1947. India has become one of the strongest countries in the world in terms of scientific manpower,capability and maturity. She has elevated her status as a "buyer" of technology to a major "contributor" in the world of science and technology.

Recently India embarked on a joint venture with Germany to establish the Indo-German Max Planck Centre, in Computer Science at IIT Delhi. At the centre, Indian and German scientists collaborate in basic research, in the Computer Sciences, which will also serve as a bridge between the computer science communities of both countries. The Centre will act as a place of excellence for both faculty and students of both countries.

Research at the Indo-German Computer Centre will include Algorithms and Complexity; Database and Information Retrieval; Graphics and Vision and Networking. Mr. Shri Prithviraj Chavan, Minister for Science and Technology in India, predicts that the 21'st century "will belong to China and India", due to the "strength of their economies and human resources". Mr. Chavan wants the Indian government to encourage expatriate Indian scientists, to come home, so that the 'brain-drain' of the past may be converted into a 'brain-gain' for the future.

In a Global Research Report-India, by Thompson Reuters, says that India's ranking in output of scientific publications had improved from 15th position in 2002 to 10th position in 2008 & is likely to improve to 9th position by 2010. It's a true paradox that a country like India,whose average standard of living pales with that of North America (where I presently live) is every bit as competent and capable (if not more so) as North America in the world of science & technology.

I believe that trend for business owners, both small & large, to call upon the expertise of India in all arenas, will grow by leaps & bounds. We in North America would do well to learn from this rising giant, & start infusing much more value into our goods & services, rather that trying to extract an ever increasing payload from our goods & services.

Step #2: Education

I have to tell you a true story about marketing & advertising that happened to me, several years ago, when most advertising/marketing efforts were still done via print media.

I met a marketing "consultant" who guaranteed to refund my money in full, if I didn't get at least a 200% return on the fee I would pay him to conduct a marketing campaign for my company. He even took me out to lunch in his attempt to woo my business. (I learned a long time ago, that if let people who are trying to sell you something, talk as much as they want to, you'll learn some very valuable information)

Over lunch the consultant unwittingly told me about a visit he had made to one of his clients. He told me that as he sat in this client's office, he couldn't help notice a large bookshelf behind his client's desk- stacked with all kinds of books on advertising & marketing. Then the consultant hung himself. He looked me straight in the eye & in his own words said, "I thought to myself, What does this guy need me for with all those books?"

What the consultant was telling me is that , he, (the marketing expert) had read the same books as his client and was in effect , selling this businessman information he (the client) already possessed, but had failed to act upon. That's what I think most internet consultants do. They've just read the books & then sell the info back to us at an outrageous profit margin.

Are you a website owner, who is as fed up as I am, when it comes to all those "consultants" who are always in your face bragging how they can drive your website to the very top of the rankings on Google? Are you intimidated by the words ONLINE MARKETING because the so-called "experts" have unnecessarily made it a mysterious & complicated subject?

From my own research I know that, in the 21st century, Search Engine Optimization & Social Media, are the pillars of online marketing... for all businesses - both large & small. As a small business owner I've decided to free myself from the grip of these characters and investigate how this whole online marketing thing works myself.

This is where step #2 begins. Teaching yourself the in's & outs of SEO. To this end, I studied 2 books that I found on;

1) "The Art of SEO, Mastering Search Engine Optimization". This comprehensive book was written by four SEO professionals; Eric Enge,(Stone temple Consulting) Stephan Spencer (Netconcepts) Rand Fishkin SEOmoz) Jessie Stricchiola ( Alchemist media Inc.)

Together they have over 35 years of search engine optimization experience. The goal of this book is to simplify a seemingly complicated & layered topic, which is the reason why I chose this book from the hundreds of other SEO books out there.

2) The other book is "The Social Media Marketing Book "

Its' author Dan Zarrela - the inbound marketing manager for HubSpot - has written extensively about the science of viral marketing in blogs including Mashable, CopyBlogger, ReadWriteWeb, Plagariam Today, ProBlogger, Sopcial Desire, CenterNetworks, Nowsourcing, & SEOScoop.

I studied these books, page by page and immediately applied the knowledge I gained from the expert advice of the authors to my own websites. I will be sharing the results of my research in a series of articles titled "DIY Internet Marketing", so other business owners like yourselves can benefit from my knowledge.

In helping myself, I hope that I will be able to help you.


Kory Livingstone is a small business owner, who has solved the problem of the "ridiculously high fees", that internet marketing companies charge for Search Engine Optimization. Through extensive research Kory has discovered the "SIMPLE" secrets of SEO,& exposes them in a series of DYI,Online Marketing Tips.

It's not the dark mystery that marketers would have us believe it is.


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