Sunday, November 4, 2012

Science Reporting No Different Than Activists' Own Hype - Lisa De ...

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Following Hurricane Sandy?s massive devastation across the northeast, many were quick to tie it to ?climate change? (you know, what ?global warming? and the ?new ice age? used to be.). In a blog post on Tuesday, former Vice President Al Gore wrote ?Hurricane Sandy is a disturbing sign of things to come. We must heed this warning and act quickly to solve the climate crisis. Dirty energy makes dirty weather.? Meghan McCain sarcastically weighed in on Twitter, ?So are we still going to go with climate change not being real fellow republicans?? As his city struggles in the Sandy aftermath, Mayor Mike Bloomberg endorsed President Obama because he says one candidate ?sees climate change as an urgent problem that threatens our planet; one does not. I want our president to place scientific evidence and risk management above electoral politics.? As if climate change believers aren?t practicing their own brand of politics. I?m sure they are already writing that with this kind of consensus between the two parties, the science is settled! Of course, Gore, Bloomberg and McCain aren?t the first liberals (yes, liberals) to use the devastation of a hurricane to push the climate change agenda. Following Hurricane Katrina, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote on The Huffington Post, ?Katrina is giving our nation a glimpse of the climate chaos we are bequeathing our children.? But, our children aren?t the only victims. Rich liberals are also suffering. Al Gore was unable to attend Bette Midler?s French-themed Halloween party in hurricane-struck New York this week. Midler tweeted, ?k, the man we invited to address us te #globalwarmingisreal could not make it because of GLOBALWARMING!! So sad, Al Gore..see you soon xox? In Godless Ann Coulter wrote, ?Warm trends prove global warming. Cold trends also prove global warming. This is the philosophy of a madman.? Yet no one in the mainstream media questions the science of climate change. Instead, they amblify it. Lisa De Pasquale Lisa De Pasquale is is a writer in Alexandria, VA. Miss De Pasquale was previously the director of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where she oversaw all aspects of the conference from June 2006 to April 2011. Prior to CPAC, she was the program director of the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute. In 2010, she was named a ?Rising Star? by Campaigns & Elections magazine in their annual list of top political leaders under 35. She has written articles for and Townhall Magazine, Human Events, The Daily Caller, Washingtonian, the St. Augustine Record, The Washington Times, The Houston Chronicle, and the Tallahassee Democrat. Originally from Florida, Miss De Pasquale received a B.A. from Flagler College in St. Augustine.

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